03 October 2008

Another Foreign Expert Takes Residence in China

After feeding my college graduation cap to the sky gods in May of 2008, I made a gargantuan decision—a decision that would continue to make differences a reality.

As a first post-graduation job, I accepted a teaching position with a foreign firm in the Guangdong Province of China with China Incarnate Word (CIW). The position and first day of classes began on September 22, 2008. The position extends till July 2009 (with an option to renew being available).

As the job’s principal requirement, I took on the responsibility of teaching Chinese college students credit-bearing, English and Communication courses—courses that include World Literature, Freshman Composition I & II and Journalism.

Overall, to date, the work has been very demanding; nevertheless, the experience, so far, has been very rewarding.

During my stay in China, I will be posting information related to CIW and my China experiences on this blog. So, please leave a comment or some other sign of life.